Nah, so, everyone following so far? this little story, where we met our four friends,…
A Traditional Way to Make Coffee
Ada sebuah lubang yang sangat dalam di pinggir jalan. Di dalam lubang tersebut, hutan belantara tumbuh, dipenuhi berbagai macam tumbuhan dan binatang. Dan juga hantu manusia-manusia yang tak sengaja jatuh ke dalam lubang tersebut bersama motornya, mobilnya, dan truknya, lalu meninggal di sana. Ada juga segunung sampah: tas plastik dan sayur mayur yang membusuk, popok dan tissue toilet, dan banyak lainnya.
Sampah-sampah itu dibuang ke dalam lubang tersebut oleh orang-orang sekitar. Empat roh di hutan tersebut – Bumi, Api (direpresentasikan oleh Petir), Air, dan Udara – mengambil wujud manusia. Manusia terakhir yang tinggal di sana, Pak Use, juga menampakkan diri sebagai hantu. Pak Use berkata kepada roh-roh di sana bahwa pertunjukan mereka sebagai manusia tidak begitu meyakinkan. Jadi mulailah Episode 4 dari Cara Tradisional Membuat Kopi…
There is a very deep hole in a road. In the hole, an entire forest has grown, full of all kinds of plants and animals. And also the ghosts of humans who have accidentally driven their motorcycles, cars and trucks into the hole, and died there. There is also a mountain of rubbish: plastic bags and rotting vegetables, diapers and sanitary napkins, and much, much more. The rubbish has been thrown into the hole by the humans who live nearby. Four spirits of the forest — Earth, Fire (represented as Lightning), Water and Air — take on human form. The last human to die there, Pak Use, also appears as a ghost. Pak Use tells the spirits that their performance as humans isn’t very convincing And so Episode 4 of a Cara Tradisional Membuat Kopi begins…
Baca juga, Coffee Conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Neilson
ROBERT FINLAYSON drinks 5-7 large cups of kopi tubruk a day, preferably from his ibumertua in Jawa Tengah, which she hand picks, drys in the sun, then roasts with kelapa and beras.